It is fall and the leaves are starting to turn. We expanded the garden this year and rebuilt the greenhouse. Half the things I planted did not grow. What did grow, really did grow. And I must say, I'm pretty proud of what we've done this year.
I think we ended up with about 80lbs of potatoes this year.
We made about 10lbs of french fries for the freezer
I had lots of beautiful tomatoes this year and I decided to try one panful of marinara sauce. Smelled absolutely amazing!
Picked about 7 cups of blackberries this year. Tried to make real blackberry jam. Turned out fairly well, I think!
Also went to the strawberry u-pick and picked about 11 quarts. I froze some of it and decided to try strawberry jam, aswell. Not bad!
I had quite the haul of string beans this year, too. Picked a batch for some simple hodge podge for myself, some for my parents, grandmother, and then I blanched some for the first time, so now I have another 2 batches in the freezer for later.
I also harvested and dried a fair amount of lavender this year. I sold these batches.
All in all, we had a fruitful year. We can only go up from here!