This was originally posted June 2022
So, if you've been following along, you know what happened to my greenhouse. So this year we had to "rebuild" it. I started my tomatoes and peppers inside around the same time as I was prepping for my rebuild. We decided to build a wood frame and board in the sides a bit for sturdiness. We reused the plastic from my purchased, destroyed greenhouse. It is smaller than it was, about 9x9. We also expanded the garden this year. Tilled up some extra land, added in a few bags of topsoil and chicken manure and added more fencing. This at least keeps dogs out of it, it's not really deterring the cats.
It's not pretty, but it works. Below you'll see the garden all finished. Hopefully we get a good crop this year.
We have been fertilizing the blueberries this year, my little apple tree has a lot of blossoms on it this year. We'll definitely get more quince this year than we did last year, and wild strawberry blossoms are everywhere. I dug out my little flower garden this year and turned it into an herb garden. The little black patch in the picture below is my pumpkin patch. Blackberries aren't in bloom yet, (most things are a bit behind last year) But hopefully we'll get a good bounty this year!