This was originally posted Feb. 2017
Let's talk genetics. Now, don't get me wrong, I'm no expert. This is the only colour gene I can tell you about. It's the gene responsible for blue eyed white rabbits. It should be treated like a breed all it's own. You don't want this gene in any other colour program. Ever. Blue eyed whites have come a long ways, type wise, but still need a tonne of work. So every once in a while you want to throw in a rabbit of another colour, something of very good type, to help with type and hybrid vigor. So, here's how it works:
Blue eyed white (BEW) x BEW = BEW Always. 100% of the litter will all be BEW
BEW x Self = VM or VC Vienna Marked or Vienna Carrier 100%
BEW x VM/VC = VM & BEW Chances are 50% BEW 50% VM
VM x VM = VM & BEW Chances are 75% VM 25% BEW
Blue eyed whites (BEW) are pure white with bright blue eyes.
Vienna marked (VM) are a mix between a BEW and whatever self you used ie., black, blue, black otter, etc. They could be dutch marked, white with spots, coloured with a white nose snip, coloured with a white toe. They could have blue eyes, or marbled, or one blue and one brown. Vienna carriers will look just like the self, but you know it has BEW in the backround and needs to be labeled as such.
I picked up a beautiful blue steeled otter buck for my breeding program. It is an unrecognised variety, but he's got great type, so that's good for me. Again, VM and VC are UNSHOWABLE. You only want to use them to improve your type. Make sure any offspring you sell is labeled as such, as to not mess up someone else's breeding program. It may not be obvious right away, but white spots can show up generations later.