This was originally posted July 2020
After building the coop in 2016 and dealing with birds flying out, wet birds, extremely muddy and slippery under foot and filth eggs, I’ve decided my coop needed a roof over the run. Too keep everyone in. To keep predators out. To keep the run less muddy and to provide more shade in the heat of the summer. So, before the first snowfall, I wanted the roof on. We ran another row of hardware cloth up to the bottom frame (that fixed poor Nita) Even though it was boarded in and the water leaked in around it, it helped a great deal with keep the snow out, so they chickens were still able to get outside, and I had less shovelling to do.
Hardware cloth up
Didn’t stop this one. But don’t worry, we’ll fix her
Trim the boards off before shingling the roof.
Adding some paint
Finally boarding in ends
One side all done!
Everything is now finished. I’m just restaining the rest of the coop and touching up the trim paint. I wish I would have done this sooner!!