This was posted July 7, 2020
Growing up, I always wanted a black cat. Holly was my number 1 for a long time. I got her as a Christmas present back in 2003, just a couple months after I lost my girl, Spice. Holly was definitely my Christmas kitty. You'd always find her under the tree. I always made sure there was a bell hanging low on the bottom of my own tree that she could tap. She used to come when I called her. You could ring a bell and she would come running. Or make a high pitched squeal. She could fly across the backyard in about 4 leaps. We called her Super Kitty, Holly, Peanut, Pea, Poo, Poo-pea, Babe. She didn't like to be picked up, she didn't like to be held, if I tried to kiss her, she put her feet on my face. She was a very petite girl, topping out at 6.5lbs after she had her kittens at 1 year old. She mostly sat around 5.5 lbs. In later years she dropped to 4.5lbs. She loved to be petted. She would sit and stare at you and if that didn't work, she would reach up and tap your arm. Pet her cheeks, her head, her chin, pull her tail. You'd hardly ever hear her purr.
After we moved into our own house, a couple days before Christmas in 2010, she spent her time under the tree or hiding in the spare room. After 6 months, we were all very unhappy. So she went back to live with my parents. Where she lived until Monday.
A couple years ago we found that she was peeing in the house. Behind the tv or in the closet. And it was brown. She'd been treated a couple times for infections. Also found out she had a heart murmur and was in the early stages of kidney failure. I started buying a lot of canned food to make sure she was getting enough hydration. The last couple months she started slowing down, having difficulties climbing and jumping. A couple weeks ago she started getting wobbly on her feet. Last Friday, I noticed she'd lost even more weight, her eyes were starting to sink in, she looked sad. My father said she was happier outside, but I was concerned she wasn't going to come back.
Monday, July 6, 2020, I called to see if I could bring her to my dog's appointment that evening. They told me I wouldn't be able to be with her, because of Covid-19. I left work early and asked my parents to bring her down. They were waiting for me when I got home. Dad asked if he could come with because he wanted to know if Holly was going to be alright. I had to tell him she wasn't coming home.
We brought her in the house and let her out of the carrier. The floor was too slippery and she couldn't stand upright. I put a blanket down for her and brought her some treats. I didn't think she'd be interested, but she wolfed them down like she was starving. I picked her up and her belly was swollen. I don't think she could pee. Dad thought that maybe that's all she needed and that she'd feel better. I feel like this was the advanced stages of her kidney failure. She was weak, not a lot of interest in food. I would have loved to fix my baby, but I just couldn't see it.
They took her from me at the vet, sedated her and brought her back. I sat in the passenger seat of my car, with the door open, so at least she could breathe fresh air and look around as she got sleepy. They took her away and brought her back wrapped in a white sheet. I brought her home and buried her next to Isis, under the pine tree. Unfortunately, we don't have any fir on our property, so I figured under the pine would suffice, where she could watch the birds. Christmas will never be the same without my Pea. Visiting my parents won't be the same. This cat has been apart of me for over half of my life. She healed my heart after I lost Spice. It broke me that she wouldn't be living with me as she grew old.
Here's is a small collection of pictures taken over the last 16 years. There are so many, but I picked ones that represented her.
Rest in Peace, Holly. I'm sure Sugar was there waiting for you when you crossed the rainbow bridg.
Oct 2003-July 6, 2020