This was originally posted March 14, 2016
We were supposed to take Isis to the vet Wednesday for a bandage change. But shortly after we had it changed last time (and they told us the tape was stuck between her toes and caused a sore) she started chewing at her bandage. I called there vet and told me that they wanted to put her on antibiotics and to come in on Monday instead. So I just got home. They had to cut the bottom off of the bandage, to let her foot dry. And now she must wear a cone to prevent her from licking it. Apparently she had a reaction to the tape. Warning: it's pretty yucky looking. And now she runs into everything and gets stuck.
It looks much worse in person.
July 4, 2016: We are pretty much back to normal. After the last update we found out shortly after that photo was taken that the bandage was put on too tight. Her foot had swollen to about twice its normal size. We had to take her back to the vet and she had the splint removed, which resulted in another were of crate confinement. After that it was back to taking her out on the leash to use the bathroom and carrying her up and down the stairs for about two months. After that I called the vet because I want sure if she needed another check up to say she was okay. It was getting hard to hold her back after using. The washroom. He said that if she wants to run, let her do it. So she's been running. And rolling and playing. We still haven't thrown the ball to her, as we're a bit weary of it now. But here she is in all her glory.